Dealing with side effects of Chemotherapy.

You just learned that you have cancer and you are ready to fight, but you’re nervous about your upcoming chemo treatments.

After your cancer diagnosis, you probably went through a period in which you questioned the meaning of life: “Why me? I’m too young and there are still so many things I want to accomplish.” What may possibly be a death sentence is obviously difficult to accept. But once you move beyond the fear of death, your questions will probably turn towards the effects of chemo.

And these are the questions I want to help you with.

Chemotherapy is one of the techniques used by modern medicine to help treat cancer. And although it is true that it can be very effective against certain types of cancer, the treatment can often cause more damage than the disease itself. In fact, this form of treatment does not differentiate healthy cells from cancerous cells and therefore attacks both.

Your chemo treatment may be daily, weekly or monthly and you may have little or no side effects. If you have any, they will vary depending on the type and dosage of chemotherapy you receive. The most common effects are:

              • Nausea
              • Vomiting
              • Fatigue
              • Pain
              • Hair loss

I am not trying to encourage or discourage you to undergo chemo, because the decision is yours alone and this is about your life. Your doctor will make every effort to make you comfortable and most importantly, to heal you. During chemo, your courage, your determination and your loved ones will be tasked more than ever.

How to minimize the damaging effects of chemo?

Many studies now suggest that certain natural products can help the body fight the harmful effects of chemotherapy, while attacking cancer cells through other mechanisms of action.

One of them is a mushroom called “Chaga“.

Chaga, a fungus known for its medicinal properties, has been widespread in Russia and Asia for centuries. It grows wild on birch trees in cold regions and is 100% natural. In Canada, Chaga grows at -40 ° C in a healthy environment, far away from industrial centers and sources of pollution or radioactivity. Canadian Chaga therefore possesses many more favorable natural health properties than Chaga found elsewhere in the world. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has classified it as a medicinal mushroom.


Here are three good reasons to use Chaga:

  1. Recent research has demonstrated that aqueous extracts (making tea) from Chaga possess potent immunomodulatory effects. These benefits could better protect against damage to your bone marrow and therefore, to your overall immune system. This type of protection is essential during chemotherapy since many patients perish not because of the cancer itself, but because of serious infections (pneumonia and others) contracted due to a compromised immune system.1
  1. Your immune system is vast and complex. It is designed to detoxify your body and protect you from disease and viruses and bacteria. Following chemo, your immune system will be very weak. Chaga is also a very powerful adaptogen — a protein that is produced by the cells of your immune system to defend against viruses, bacteria, parasites and tumor cells. In your case, it will normalize your immune system, which will be vital to your recovery during and between treatments. 2
  1. The melanin contained in Chaga (brown part of the mushroom) helps your body’s immune defenses by protecting them against pathogens. Chaga is therefore also effective against melanoma (highly dangerous forms of skin cancer).3


2 Chinese Tonic Herbs” by Ron Teeguarden (Japan Publications, 1984)

3 Chaga: King of the Medicinal Mushrooms Par David Wolfe

Some researchers have studied various compounds of Chaga and found that:

  • Polysaccharide extracts from Chaga not only reduce the size of tumors but also lower blood sugar. They promote interferon, which is a method used by white blood cells to cause cell death.4  Polysaccharides do not directly kill the tumor cell, but act as caregivers to help its host (your body) adapt to various biological constraints.
  • The anti-cancer properties of Betulinic acid are now being studied for use in chemotherapy.5   In addition, Chaga does not attack healthy cells.
  • The Inotodiol contained in Chaga has exhibited anti-tumor properties in some breast cancers. Studies at the University of Tokyo have demonstrated efficacy in the destruction of some breast cancer cells (adenocarcinomas).6
  • The Melanin found in Chaga has great antioxidant properties and gene protective capacities. Melanin improves the appearance of hair, skin, eyes and gives us a more youthful appearance. It protects genes, the nervous system, the brain, the pineal gland and repairs cellular DNA.7 It also eliminates free radicals, which will be released in large quantities due to chemotherapy because normal cells will have been damaged.

4 International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 1999; 1: 301–316

5 Extract Betulin inhibits tumor growth: Noda et al 1997. 

6 Nutr Res Pract. 2010 June; 4(3): 177–182

7 Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2002, Vol. 4

As you can see, you would greatly benefit from using Chaga.

If you want to try some, I can help you.

How to use Chaga?

You do not eat Chaga, you boil it and drink it like tea. Drinking Chaga tea 3 times a day can definitely help your recovery and increase your vitality. Best results are obtained with regular use. Chaga is an excellent replacement for coffee and drinking it with positive intentions increases its benefits.

Chaga is recognized as a non-toxic tonic. To date, available scientific evidence has shown than its moderate consumption does not cause any major side effects, regardless of the drinker’s age.

Chaga simply stimulates the body in order to help it heal itself.

Always use caution when buying mushrooms, as they are very sensitive to their environment. If they are grown near a city, a nuclear power plant or polluted river, they will absorb all of the contaminants within their reach and are therefore not fit for human consumption. This is why it is so important to know where the mushrooms are from before you buy them.

You deserve the best. How many times have you settled for less, for something that delivers less impact? In your current situation, less is not an option. For my part, I only buy Chaga from Northern Canada and from people who harvest it based on the strictest criteria, otherwise I refuse it. Cancer is a disease that I do not take lightly.

How much are you willing to pay to speed your recover and arm yourself with a powerful ally in the fight against your illness?

Comparative antioxidants based on the above criteria will cost you roughly $30 per bottle and the benefits will last for less than a month. A small investment of $85 for 1Kg of Chaga will give you enough mushrooms to prepare medicinal tea for 6 months. That’s an investment in your health that costs less than $0.50 a day!


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1 kilogram of Chaga = 6 months of use = 50 cents /day

Yes, send me 1 kilo of Chaga to put all of my chances on my side to help me overcome my cancer!

Order now! This quality of Chaga is available in limited quantities.

You’ll be refunded if we are out of stock.

Add life to your years and feel great thanks to the natural healing power of mushrooms!

Pascal L’Archeveque

P.S. Making informed decisions can be difficult. But the more you wait, the more you’re at risk. When you consider the current cost of medication, 50 cents a day to help you get better faster it is a gift you can’t afford to not give yourself. If you care about your health and well-being, you will not be disappointed by this offer.

P.P.S. Due to strict procurement regulations, this Chaga comes from a specific area and is selected based on rigorous criteria. Quantities are limitedfirst come, first served.



The information presented here is not intended for the prescription of, or made to replace medical treatment. Its goal is not to provide a diagnosis, form of care, or course of treatment, nor is it intended to replace any relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. As such, readers should be aware that this information is not to be regarded as medical advice, but rather as shared knowledge and data based on the research and experience of the authors. It is strongly advised and encouraged that each individual make their own health care decisions based upon their research and in partnership with qualified health care professionals. You and you alone are responsible for what you read and the decisions you then make.

Chaga is part of the mushroom family just like penicillin; therefore, if you are allergic to penicillin, it is recommended that you talk to your physician before using Chaga.


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