
There are over one hundred species of the Tuber type, of the Tuberaceae family. Therefore we will concentrate on the main ones. A truffle generally weighs between 20 to 100 grams. The biggest can weigh up to 200 grams even 300 grams. Fresh truffles can be preserved for a week in the refrigerator, in a closed box. Before eating them, you have to brush, wash and wipe them.

Black truffle Mushroom

Black truffle Mushroom

The black truffle or truffle of the Perigord, in Latin Tuber Melanosporum, grows uniquely in the limestone grounds at a depth of 1 to 15 centimeters at the base of trees called « Truffle trees » (green or white Oaks, Hazel trees, Lime tree, Pines…) This is the queen of the truffles, with a perfume and taste much sought after, it can generally be found in the south-east of France. But it can also be found in Morocco, Spain, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia. It grows from mid-November to the end of March. It reaches its full maturity from mid-January to the end of March. It is then picked or « cavé », with the help of a truffle dog, a pig or flies. It sells for about 2000$ per Kilogram.

With their sharp sense of smell, dogs can find ripe truffles very easily, which are buried under the grounds’ superior layers. Hence, less time is wasted to dig around the truffle trees and pickers don’t dig out the ones that are not ripe, therefore less tasty. All dogs can be trained to find truffles. The pigs are less used because they are harder to control. The Sullia Giganta is a little long fly with orange eyes. It enables the truffle hunter to localize the mushroom because it searches for the truffle to lay its eggs. By watching it fly the picker can easily find the mushroom where it lands.

White Alba truffle Mushroom

White Alba truffle Mushroom

The Tuber Magnatum, known as the white Alba truffle, is by far the most expensive and sought after specie. It releases a strong smell of wild garlic, even cheese-like with a mineral touch. It is mostly eaten raw. Harvested from October to December, it sells on average 5000$ per kilogram. It’s the « Mozart of the mushrooms ». In 2007, during an auction in Tuscany, a white truffle weighing 1.5 Kg was sold for 330,000 dollars, about 223,000 Euros. A record price!

The Chinese truffles belong to the Tuberals family and contain the three following species: Tuber Himalayense, Tuber Indicum and Tuber Sinense. They are harvested with a tool that goes against the French “caveurs” standards. The Chinese pickers use a rake which damages the mycelium, and all the truffles are picked, even the ones that are not ripe. Therefore they have less taste or smell and have a tendency to absorb surrounding smells.

Take note of the 3 Latin names mentioned above. During your next purchase of truffles, either in can or in pot, read the label carefully because Chinese truffles are often packed in Europe and their price reflects the European one. It is inflated! The Chinese truffle sells for about 200$ per kilogram.
Caution. The artificial aroma of the black or white truffle is harmful at a high dosage because it is extracted with the use of violent poisons. These toxins are found in numerous traditional and industrial preparations of varieties of truffle oils, creams and other low-end products. Which for the most part, don’t even contain more truffles than a can of green beans. One must be cautious to attentively read the Latin name which must be the main ingredient; to then which water, salt or truffle juice is added.

Tuber Gibbosum Mushroom

Tuber Gibbosum Mushroom

In the western part of Canada grows the Tuber Gibbosum and the Tuber Leucangium (Picoa Carthusiana). These are wild truffles.
In the United-States, the white and black truffles of Oregon are commercialized. Three varieties of truffles are used by many North-American cooks.
The Tuber Gibbosum, the white truffle of Spring is harvested from January to June in the young white pine plantations of Oregon.
The Tuber Oregonese, the white truffle of Winter is picked from October to February in the same geographic zones. Both sell at more or less 100$ per kilogram.
The Leucangium Carthusianum, that Oregon black truffle, is sometimes identified in France under the name of Picoa Carthusiana or Picoa des Chartreux; it is picked in the Toulouse area under green Oaks. In the United-States, it can be found under the Douglas pine trees to depths of about 10 to 25 centimeters. At time of harvest, a peculiar smell of pineapple and mango can be noticed. It is priced at more or less 400$ per kilogram.

Vitamins and minerals:
Truffles are high in proteins, amino acid essential and contain the following minerals; Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Copper, Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc. Vitamins A, B group and C are also present.
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Truffle Mushroom

New countries such as Australia (New South Wales, Tasmania) and Israel (Galilee) are trying to develop the truffle production.